The Kroger Feedback Survey is a fantastic wayfor shoppers to provide valuable feedback on their shopping experiences whilehaving the chance to win exciting rewards. Kroger, one of the largestsupermarket chains in the U.S., uses this survey to gather customer opinionsand continuously improve its services. For those who frequently shop at Kroger,understanding how often you can participate in the Kroger Feedback Survey isessential if you want to maximize your chances of winning rewards like giftcards or fuel points.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explorehow often you can take the Kroger Feedback Survey, the rules and eligibilityrequirements, and tips for improving your chances of winning rewards.

What Is the Kroger Feedback Survey?

The Kroger Feedback Survey (also known asKroger Customer Satisfaction Survey) is an online questionnaire that allowsKroger customers to share their feedback on their recent shopping experiences.This survey can be accessed by visiting the official Kroger feedback website,

In exchange for completing the survey,participants are entered into sweepstakes with chances to win Kroger gift cardsor fuel points that can be used at participating Kroger Fuel Centers. Thesurvey covers a range of topics, including the quality of products, thecleanliness of stores, staff friendliness, and overall satisfaction.

Why Should You Participate in the KrogerFeedback Survey?

Kroger values customer feedback and providessignificant incentives for shoppers to participate in the survey. Here are someof the key reasons why you should consider participating:

  1. Chance to Win Prizes: Each time you complete the Kroger Feedback Survey, you are automatically entered into a sweepstakes. Prizes may include:
    • $5,000 in Kroger gift cards (often awarded monthly).
    • Additional $100 Kroger gift cards.
    • Fuel points that can help you save on gasoline at Kroger gas stations.
  2. Share Your Experience: By taking the survey, you are providing Kroger with important insights into your shopping experience. This feedback helps the company improve its services and products.
  3. Simple Process: The survey is easy to complete and takes only a few minutes. All you need is a recent Kroger purchase receipt that contains the survey invitation code.
  4. Improve Your Local Store: Feedback provided in the survey is directly related to the specific Kroger location you visited. By participating, you’re helping ensure that your local store addresses any issues or continues to offer exceptional service.

How Often Can You Participate in the KrogerFeedback Survey?

The main question for many shoppers is,"How often can I participate in the Kroger Feedback Survey?" The goodnews is that Kroger allows multiple entries per person, but there are certainrules and limitations.

1. Survey Participation Is Linked to Each Purchase

You can participate in the Kroger FeedbackSurvey as often as you like, but the key is that each entry must be tied to aunique Kroger purchase. This means that you will need a new Kroger receipt witha survey invitation code each time you want to take the survey. Typically, eachreceipt is valid for one survey submission, and once the code has been used, itcannot be reused.

2. Multiple Entries Allowed Each Month

Kroger typically runs its survey sweepstakeson a monthly basis, meaning that every month, new winners are selected from thepool of survey participants. Because of this, you can submit multiple entrieswithin a single month as long as you have new receipts from your recentpurchases. The more times you visit Kroger and complete the survey, the higheryour chances of winning.

3. Receipt Validity Period

Receipts with survey invitation codes areusually valid for a limited period, often 7 days from the date of purchase.This means that if you want to participate frequently, you’ll need to completethe survey soon after each visit to Kroger. After the receipt expires, theinvitation code will no longer be valid, and you won’t be able to use it toenter the survey.

4. Sweepstakes Entry Limit

Whileyou can participate in the survey multiple times, it’s important to note thatKroger typically has limits on the number of entries a person can submit forthe sweepstakes. For instance, there may be a rule that limits you to a certainnumber of entries per household or per person each month. Be sure to read theofficial rules and terms on the Kroger Feedback Survey website to check for anyupdated entry limits.

Eligibility Requirements for the KrogerFeedback Survey

Before you start taking the Kroger FeedbackSurvey, it’s essential to understand the eligibility criteria. These rulesensure that only qualified individuals are able to participate and that thesurvey process is fair for all customers.

1. Purchase Requirement

To take part in the survey, you’ll need avalid Kroger receipt that contains the survey invitation code. The receipt mustbe from a recent purchase, as older receipts won’t have the necessary surveycode.

2. Age Requirement

You must be at least 18 years old toparticipate in the Kroger Feedback Survey and be eligible for the sweepstakesprizes.

3. Legal Residents

Participants must be legal residents of theUnited States, and Kroger may specify particular states or regions whereparticipation is allowed.

4. Employees Excluded

Kroger employees and their immediate familymembers (including household members) are not eligible to participate in thesurvey or win prizes from the sweepstakes.

5. Survey Completion

Participants must complete the entire surveyto be entered into the sweepstakes. Partial or incomplete surveys may not becounted as valid entries.

Step-by-Step Guide to Participating in theKroger Feedback Survey

If you’re new to the Kroger Feedback Survey,here’s a step-by-step guide on how to participate and make sure your entrycounts:

  1. Make a Purchase at Kroger: Visit your nearest Kroger store and make a purchase. Keep your receipt, as it will contain the necessary survey invitation code.
  2. Visit the Kroger Feedback Survey Website: Go to survey to start the survey. Make sure you have your receipt handy.
  3. Enter the Survey Code: On the survey’s homepage, you’ll be prompted to enter the survey invitation code printed on your Kroger receipt. This code is typically a series of numbers and can be found near the bottom of the receipt.
  4. Complete the Survey: Answer the questions in the survey based on your recent Kroger shopping experience. Questions may include topics such as product quality, store cleanliness, staff friendliness, and overall satisfaction.
  5. Enter the Sweepstakes: Once you’ve completed the survey, you’ll be asked if you’d like to enter the sweepstakes. If you choose to participate, you’ll be prompted to enter your contact information (name, phone number, email, etc.).
  6. Submit Your Entry: After entering your information, submit the survey, and you’ll be automatically entered into the sweepstakes.

Tips for Maximizing Your Chances in theKroger Feedback Survey Sweepstakes

Although the Kroger Feedback Survey isprimarily about providing feedback, the sweepstakes prizes are a greatincentive to participate regularly. Here are some tips to maximize your chancesof winning:

  1. Shop at Kroger Frequently: Since each survey entry requires a unique receipt, the more often you shop at Kroger, the more opportunities you’ll have to participate in the survey. Make sure to keep your receipts and enter the survey before the receipt expires.
  2. Participate Early: Don’t wait too long to take the survey. Some Kroger receipts are only valid for 7 days after the purchase, so it’s a good idea to complete the survey shortly after your shopping trip.
  3. Provide Honest Feedback: The survey is designed to gather genuine feedback from Kroger customers. Be honest in your responses, as this helps Kroger improve its services and could enhance your local store’s performance.
  4. Stay Updated on Sweepstakes Rules: Make sure you read the official sweepstakes rules on the Kroger Feedback website to ensure you understand how often you can participate and the eligibility criteria. These rules may change periodically, so staying informed is crucial.


The Kroger Feedback Survey is a great way forcustomers to share their shopping experiences while earning chances to winfantastic prizes. As long as you have a valid Kroger receipt with a surveyinvitation code, you can participate in the survey frequently, often multipletimes per month, depending on your shopping habits.

By following the rules, providing honestfeedback, and participating regularly, you’ll not only help Kroger improve itsservices but also increase your chances of winning gift cards or fuel points.Just remember to keep track of your receipts, complete the survey before thereceipt expires, and review the official sweepstakes rules for any updates.