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Multiple CSV Files

ReplyThanks 2016/06/23 20:49:11 0 0

I ran into another snag. To keep my csv file simple I divided them up into several files. I placed the corresponding sub csv file name along with the full path in the master csv file. This is very similar how a relational database is set up. So inside a tableloop I am wanting to read the current row csv file. Read File / Path I selected Use Variable. This is not working. Apparently File Read cannot read a file path from a variable.

So my next idea was to make a list within a list within a list. I placed each sub csv file contents into a variable in my master csv file. To do this I am using a pipe stem and backward slash as delimiters. With this method I am using Variable Operate to divide the variable into a new table variable using Processing Way / delimiters and adding my delimiter in the Split String field. This idea has not worked either.

Any ideas on how the best way to do this?

2016/06/23 22:52:12
Sorry, we cannot understand what you mean, you can send the your module to me, maybe it will be more clear to us to understand.
2016/06/24 11:43:02

I figured out how to make file locations into a variable. My module works all the way through doing a manual Test Run. When I try to Run Module I get an error right at the start. This error happens both Run In New Window and Run In Current Window.

The csv file and the corresponding table both have four fields. I have tried both quoted and unquoted values in the csv file. Both work doing a manual Test Run. Both fail with Run Module.

2016/06/26 23:27:43
Hello, you can send your module to me for testing, or you can add our skype account: whitehatbox we can check it for you via remote control.
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